
create peer connections that empower, support, and inspire

To Learn and Grow, We're stronger in Numbers

Join a small group of growth-focused and motivated individuals through a weekly study and discussion seminar.

In each 1 Hour session, groups will:

  • Celebrate Weekly Wins
  • Explore Weekly Content
  • Uncover Barriers to Progress
  • Collaboratively Seek Solutions
  • Set Actionable Goals

Topics may include (but are not limited to):

  • Digital Wellness for Remote Professionals
  • Everyone Communicates, Few Connect by John Maxwell
  • The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell
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Grow your Peer Network
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The concept of the Mastermind was originally coined by Napoleon Hill as a result of his research into the most successful people in the world. Here is its simplest and most concise definition:

The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.

There have been many different applications of this concept in different formats and for different purposes. Sometimes they are focused around a single individual and their success or growth (like an advisory council), or they are focused on the growth of each person in the group. Sometimes they use a particular curriculum or project as a focus, sometimes not. Not all work as well as others depending on who is in them, who is facilitating them, and various other factors.

The kind of Mastermind that I facilitate has been proven to be dramatically effective by tens of thousands of people all over the world in every conceivable industry and background. As a professional facilitator, I lead a group of 5-10 select, growth-focused, motivated individuals through a powerful, life-changing book or course (in addition to my own content, I include a few select books by communication and leadership expert John Maxwell) for a set number of weeks. We meet weekly for an hour where we celebrate our wins, collaboratively seek solutions for challenges we’ve faced, explore the content selected for that week’s focus for actionable value in our current situations, assist each other in uncovering barriers to progress, and self-assign action items that the group can then hold us accountable for.

There is nothing quite like the connection that is forged in these groups. I’ve been awed by it, personally. If you are interested in exploring their potential for yourself, I recommend you check out which ones are upcoming and registering for one that fits your schedule.

There are currently no upcoming public-access masterminds scheduled. Join the free #StressRedemption community to ensure you are on the Insider list for notifications of exclusive mastermind opportunities!